To a packed lecture hall at the University of Cambridge, Dr Calum T.M. Nicholson delivered a lecture on ‘How to Think About Climate Change’, in which he...
On Thursday, 29 August, CPI’s Associate Research Fellow, Dr Calum T.M. Nicholson, delivered a public lecture in Pécs, exploring the politics of climate...
On Thursday, 23 May, the Climate Policy Institute visited the heart of Brussels, and in collaboration with MCC Brussels, organised a conference on the...
On Earth Day, CPI's Director, Dr Calum T.M. Nicholson, travelled to Debrecen, to engage in a discussion about climate change with an audience of students...
Climate change is one of the most complex natural, social, and economic challenges of the 21st century, particularly affecting the Carpathian Basin and...
The European Commission has imposed punitive tariffs on Chinese manufacturers to protect domestic producers from competition. In short, China's "crime"...
The Paris Agreement is the first legally binding global climate change agreement, agreed at the COP21 conference in Paris in 2015. Since 2015, almost all...
For the first time in twenty years, the amount of crude oil produced in Hungary in 2024 exceeded 1 million tons, marking a 13% increase compared to the...
The European Union and its member states have achieved notable progress in reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, according to the latest statistics...
The famous curse ‘may you live in interesting times’ is sometimes wrongly assumed to be both ancient and of Chinese origin, whereas it in fact likely has...
Agriculture in China dates back millennia, and the country gave humanity some of its most widely consumed crops. Millet, hemp, Chinese cabbage, water buffalo,...
This study is based on the analysis titled "Never Too Early to Prepare for Next Winter: Europe’s Gas Balance for 2023-2024" from the International Energy...
On 3rd July the Learning Institute hosts the MCC's special guest Dr Nicholas Tate, who is a historian who has worked for many years at a senior level in...
Harmonising the interests of society, the economy, and the environment! None of these can be sacrificed at the altar of the other two without causing serious...