
Reading time: 1 minute
2024. 05. 28. 5:00 PM – 2024. 05. 27. 7:00 PM
The big opportunity? Hungarian-Korean Energy Cooperations
The panel discussion will explore the energy cooperation between Hungary and South Korea and its potential in the context of today's geopolitical and environmental...
Energy, Environmental Protection
Reading time: 3 minutes
2024. 05. 23. 1:30 PM – 6:00 PM
Climate Change: beyond the 'consensus'
With the European Parliament elections fast approaching, the cost of living crisis, energy prices and the fate of the Green Deal are high on the agenda....
Environmental Protection
Reading time: 1 minute
2024. 03. 05. 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Settled or Unsettled? Climate Science & Policy, with Steven E. Koonin.
Is the science of climate change settled? Can we talk meaningfully of a 'consensus' on the issue? What topics can to be debated? How should we debate them?...
Environmental Protection, Agriculture, Society
Reading time: 2 minutes
2024. 02. 13. 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM
Back to the Soil: how to restore rural perspectives on nature & the environment
Reading time: 2 minutes
2023. 11. 07. 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Transatlantic Energy Conference 2023
With renewed conflict in the Middle East, and oil prices rising, it is clear that energy plays a pivotal role in economic development, national security,...