Planet Budapest 2021, the most important sustainability summit and exhibition of the year, is being held these days in the capital of Hungary. The Climate Policy Institute participated in one of the key events of the summit.

A panel discussion was held on 2 December on Central Europe and the role of the V4 cooperation in climate protection. László Palkovics, Minister of Innovation and Technology, Vladislav Smrž, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Environment of the Czech Republic, Olga Algayerova, Executive Secretary of the UN Economic Commission for Europe, András Huszár, Co-Founder and Director of the Green Policy Center were in discussion with Máté Litkei, Director of the Climate Policy Institute on current issues in climate policy.

During the discussion Máté Litkei held the view that the solution to environmental problems cannot be achieved at the expense of our civilizational achievements or through the lowering of living standards, but on the contrary, through economic growth and technological development.