Dr. Ottó Toldi graduated as an ecologist in 1988 from Kossuth Lajos University in Debrecen and worked as a biotechnologist for 20 years at the Agricultural Biotechnology Research Center in Gödöllő, progressing through every level of the hierarchy from doctoral student to deputy director-general. His work took him to many countries around the world, including a year and a half in Finland and nearly three years in Brighton, England, at the University of Sussex, where he was a Royal Society Fellow. During this period, he co-authored 36 English-language scientific articles, two internationally published professional books, six book chapters, and 31 conference summaries.

In 2010, he made a significant career change, transitioning into public administration. As a biotechnologist, he had always been interested in the utilization of biomass as a renewable industrial raw material and energy source, a focus he continued from a new perspective within the National Development Ministry. He later became deputy head of the department, leading a small but dedicated professional team that developed the National Energy Strategy, adopted by the Hungarian Parliament in 2011, along with its related action plans. In addition, he contributed in various roles to the development of nearly all major strategic documents, including the new National Energy Strategy, the National Energy and Climate Plan, and the National Clean Development Strategy.

His achievements have been recognized with the Bolyai Prize from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in 2002 and a ministerial award in 2013. He joined the Climate Policy Institute on March 1, 2021, as a lead of research, aiming to be a valuable member of its young and ambitious team and to help shape its scientific direction. Since mid-2023, he has been serving as a senior researcher at the Institute.