With renewed conflict in the Middle East, and oil prices rising, it is clear that energy plays a pivotal role in economic development, national security, and geopolitical stability. A reliable and affordable energy supply is essential for economic growth. Ensuring energy security has never been more crucial.
The Transatlantic Energy Conference 2023 , organized by the Warsaw Institute, Klímapolitikai Intézet, and the The Heritage Foundation, will enable scholars and practitioners from various sectors to exchange insights, share best practices, and collaboratively address the challenges and opportunities surrounding energy security.
Promoting energy independence amidst energy security concerns is a fundamental pillar of energy and national security policy. Existing national energy systems may constrain policymakers to work with what they have.
Out-of-the box solutions and partnerships may be keys to energy security. Consumers should be able to have the choice of appliances and vehicles, whether powered by electricity, natural gas, or gasoline. Some of the threats and challenges are not even industry specific like cyber-attacks.
Some speakers in the conference believe that the newly-favoured renewable energy is also elemental in any energy mix of the future. Others believe that renewables raise the cost of energy and weaken the economy. The uniqueness of national topography and political constraints can make all the difference in the availability and widespread use of renewable energy. However, there are best practices in how to implement the energy mix in the most efficient way that can be shared among countries with different energy mixes.
Quo vadis energy sector? It means: where will the future energy sector go? What are the aims with the energy in the future? Security? Sustainability? Efficiency?
These and other topics will be covered in The TransAtlantic Energy Conference 2023 in Washington DC.