Discussing the state of nature, the climate, and the environment has never been so popular. However, it is hard to deny that this discussion is increasingly being shaped by the preoccupations and sensibility of urban and technocratic elites, even as the voices of those who have actual experience of rural ways of life, from farming to various field sports, are increasingly marginalised. As Hungary prepares to assume the Presidency of the Council of the European Union, and as farmers' protests dominate the news cycle in Western Europe, Dr Kovács Zoltán, Secretary of State for International Communications & Relations, current Government Commissioner for the 2024 Hungarian EU Presidency, former Government Commissioner of the 2021 World of Hunting and Nature Expo, and a hunter himself, will share his perspective on what is lost when the voice of rural experience is neglected, and how these perspectives can regain the respect they deserve.


Dr. Zoltán Kovács - State Secretary for International Communication and Relations

Dr. Calum TM Nicholson - Cultural Anthropologist


Location: 1113 Budapest, Tas vezér utca 3-7., Scruton

Date: February 13, 2024

Time: 12:00-13:30


Participation is free, but registration is required. The discussion will be conducted in English.

To register, please click on the following link:


We look forward to welcoming all interested participants!